Have you been considering dental implants? Each year, hundreds of thousands of people choose this amazing tooth replacement because of its many unique health and lifestyle benefits. However, dental implants do require a step-by-step process that takes months, so when should you get them? Read on to see why summer is the best time of the year to start this life-changing treatment.

Take Advantage of Your Free Time

Whether it’s summer vacation, no back-and-forth to your child’s school, or limited work hours, there’s a good chance you have more time during the summer months. Plus, your dentist’s schedule is usually more open during this time of the year. That’s why it’s a great idea to take advantage of the extra time and get started on implants. This treatment will take 3 to 6 months to complete, which is why it’s best to begin when your plans are wide open. While this does seem like a while, the implant process is precisely what allows them to function and last for decades to come.

Enjoy Boosted Confidence

It’s no secret that missing teeth or unstable dentures can cause embarrassment. This is especially an issue when the temperature is warm because there are usually lots of gatherings with family and friends. However, there is no need to worry! Your dentist will provide you with temporary restorations to maintain your appearance and chewing ability while your dental implants are healing. You can smile with confidence throughout the summer months knowing that you’re on your way to the most amazing replacement available.

Rest & Recover in Peace

Dental implants must heal over 3 to 6 months during a process called osseointegration. This occurs when the implants fuse to the jawbone, becoming a permanent part of the body. To start the process, implants are surgically placed in the jaw. While this procedure is minor, it’s a good idea to give yourself at least a few days to relax afterward (take more days off if you work a physically intensive job). Of course, this time for recovery can be much more enjoyable if it’s warm and the sun is shining. Allow yourself the luxury to chill out by the pool and let your mouth heal. This will not only be enjoyable for you, but it will set your implants up for success.

The summer is a time for fun in the sun but it’s also the perfect opportunity to get your dream smile. Don’t wait! Contact your dentist to get started on this treatment while the weather is warm and your schedule is free.

Meet the Dentist

Dr. Adam J. Geach specializes in prosthodontics, using his extra 3 years of advanced training in dental implants to offer this amazing solution for California patients. Unlike many dentists, he has the knowledge and technology to place and restore dental implants at the same convenient location. To set up a consultation, he can be reached through his website or by phone at his Los Angeles or Laguna Niguel locations.

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